The Arena of Man 12 Days of Christmas Traditions: Day 12, Christmas Morning Breakfast!

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Well here we are…the final day of the Arena of Man 12 Days of Christmas Traditions. I hope these suggestions have helped you make some special memories with your family throughout this Christmas season. As men, husbands, and fathers, we often leave these efforts to our wives, but my hope is that you have engaged throughout this season to make it your family’s best Christmas.

Christmas biscuits!

Christmas biscuits!

Today, I’m sharing one of our favorites…Christmas Morning Breakfast! After all of the excitement of opening gifts, a special breakfast helps us pause and take some time around the table to reflect on the beauty of the day with our family. Makes some pancakes, waffles, or our family favorite, biscuits and gravy. When I make the biscuits, I use a Christmas cookie cutter to make “Christmas biscuits.”

Whatever you decide to do, make it special and use the time around the table to reflect on the blessings your family has experienced during this season and give thanks!

Let me know about your Christmas morning traditions by commenting below!

Merry Christmas from Arena of Man!