How to Overcome the Obstacle of Doubt.


By Andy Beal,
Founder, Arena of Man

Are you struggling with doubt? If you’re honest, I bet you are. Or maybe it’s just me. It seems no matter who you are, where you live, or the “arena” in which you’ve stepped, every man struggles with doubt from time to time.

Here’s what I’ve learned from my own experience that I hope will help you overcome your doubts and move you toward becoming your best as a man in every arena of life. I’ll use an experience from my own life to illustrate.

Earlier this year, as I worked toward the launch of Arena of Man, I experienced some pretty significant doubts. Initially, I was seeing significant strides toward realizing the dream of creating a men’s lifestyle brand designed to encourage and equip you to be your best in every arena of life. But as doubts crept in, my progress stalled. This tiny voice in my head began lobbing doubt grenades into my thinking…

  • “Who do you think you are?”

  • “Who made you the expert?”

  • “No one is going to listen/read/visit.”

  • “You’re wasting your time and money!”

  • “Stay in your lane!”

When this happens to you, it would be very easy to simply acknowledge this voice in your head, believe it, and settle right back into the normal rhythm and routine of life. However, to do this will rob you of the opportunity to learn, grow, and experience something new and challenging. It will prevent you from becoming the man you are meant to be.

If you’re facing doubts or fears about a decision or an action what should you do? How can you overcome the obstacle of doubt?

First, understand that anything worth doing will face opposition. Growth does not come without a level of pain and sacrifice. In light of this, doubts will arise. But to overcome this, you must be willing to make the moment-by-moment decisions to trust God’s plan and path for you.

Next, shift your mindset and make the decision before the doubts arrive, that you will not let it win. Determination and discipline are the the keys. Here are the decisions that will help you overcome the obstacle of doubt:

  • I will be disciplined.

  • I will focus on making small steps toward my goal every day.

  • I will put away distraction.

  • I will make learning my goal.

  • I will embrace the challenge with grit and determination.

  • I will learn from my mistakes and use them as part of the growth process.

Though you may fail, I hope you’ll take the Theodore Roosevelt approach and fail while “daring greatly!” And understand that failure isn’t failure. Failure, instead, is an opportunity to learn. An initial “failure” doesn’t mean the dream must die. It may simply help you reshape your next attempt using what you’ve learned.

You carry a ton of untapped potential that remains unrealized as long as you allow doubt and fear to keep you “on the sidelines” or “in the stands” of life. You must decide to take that step into the arena, and when you do, you won’t regret it.

What about you? What is it that you have been afraid to attempt? What voices have you been listening to? What steps can you take today to begin pursuing your dreams and goals?

You can do it! STEP INTO THE ARENA!!!

In the arena with you,
